This is my first post in twenty nineteen. I was absent for two months. It was not intentional but could not post anything after December. I missed out wishing my blogging community for 'new year'. I would like to wish you all the luck and happiness this year. It was long gap and honestly I was missing this all. But, there was need of some planning and a proper posting schedule to avoid blog slump. I had many ideas for blog posts and schedule but the implementation took time. After a bit of research and calculation, I have decided to write haiku on weekdays from now on. Saturdays will be for positive cookies videos and on Sundays, I will be sharing my favorite quotes with unique designs by me. I use Canva for these designs. It is beautiful and easy to use application for various needs. This is the first Sunday for "Sunday Cookie" series. I like to call my digital designs as "Cookies". Today, I am sharing a beautiful quote by one of my f...