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Effect of Winter

Hello world.

It's Sunday Morning while I am writing to you, so I will greet "Good Morning" to you all.

I take stroll in my garden on weekends. I like to greet and welcome new buds, blooming flowers. Currently, we have yellow chrysanthemums, pink roses and magenta colored sweet williams in bloom. Also, periwinkle, hibiscus, petunias are some flowers which are always there to welcome you.

This meeting is never complete without natural background music - chriping birds and peculiar sounds that squirrels make. Yes, there are quiet a few squirrels in my garden.

These elements of my garden inspired me to write the haiku today. 

I will call the poem as "effect of winter

image from Pixabay

Frosty wintertime
A little flower shivers
whilst watching the birds

I know, it is not at all frosty in my part of world. I hope you will treat it as a poetic freedom.

I would like to know about how winter affects or is affecting your surroundings.

Share your response in comments or on your blog. Please do share the link if you decide to write a post about it. 

A haiku, or any kind of poem or write-up, anything really.

I am looking forward to it.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    Winter sunlight gleams
    wipes clean the hillsides yonder
    as Christmas draws near

    No frost for us either, which is most unseasonal. We had some last month, but not now. Colours are muted though, none of the brightness you describe in your yard. YAM xx

  2. I like your giving the flower animal senses, being cold while it watches other living beings.
    I wrote two very short things. Every time I thought of winter, and tried to focus on the nasty cold darkness, a thought of its beauty interrupted!


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